Sunday School Classes
Sunday School classes are provided for kids ages newborn through 6th grade. Teens in grades 7-12 will meet in the Conference Room.
Sunday School classes are provided for kids ages newborn through 6th grade. Teens in grades 7-12 will meet in the Conference Room.
Newcomers’ Class begins at 9:00am and meets each Sunday morning through February 23. Those interested in learning more about Shawnee Hills and church membership are encouraged to attend this new series of membership classes. This class is designed to prepare those who desire to become involved and serve as active watch care (student) or regular/full Continue Reading »
Classes for adults meet as small groups. Participation is a great opportunity to gather and grow in the Word. BEREANS – This fellowship takes various topics and searches the Bible for God’s wisdom. BYKOTA (Be Ye Kind One to Another) – This discussion-based fellowship studies “Judges & Ruth: Failing People, Faithful God.” DISCOVER – This Continue Reading »
Choir Rehearsals begin at 4:30pm High school age or older members of SHBC are invited to experience the joy of singing praises to God with other Christian musicians.
Contact Pastor Adam if you’re interested in this step of obedience. This two-week class will also meet January 12 and 19.
For the LADIES: The study of Lord I Want to Know You continues. This study is for all women, teens and older. Please contact Carolyn Culver for a copy of the book ($10). For the MEN: 27:17 continues with a new study focusing on Bible men and men of church history who are true Heroes Continue Reading »
Community residents are invited to join guided aerobics. Direct questions to 937.478.5591.
For 7th-12th grade students
Women who drop their children off for AWANA Kids' Club are invited to this Bible study, The Way to Joy. Direct questions to Michelle at .
Join us to focus on and pray for God's work.
Join us to focus on and pray for God's work.
Titus Two Mini-Retreat for all ladies and teen girls All ladies are invited to join the Titus Two ministry for an annual mini retreat at 4:00pm. Kelly Michalski will share Timeless Treasures from the book of Philippians with creativity and group interaction. Discover why and how to live a distinctly loving, grateful, joyful life while embracing pain Continue Reading »
Sunday School classes are provided for kids ages newborn through 6th grade. Teens in grades 7-12 will meet in the Conference Room.
Newcomers’ Class begins at 9:00am and meets each Sunday morning through February 23. Those interested in learning more about Shawnee Hills and church membership are encouraged to attend this new series of membership classes. This class is designed to prepare those who desire to become involved and serve as active watch care (student) or regular/full Continue Reading »
Classes for adults meet as small groups. Participation is a great opportunity to gather and grow in the Word. BEREANS – This fellowship takes various topics and searches the Bible for God’s wisdom. BYKOTA (Be Ye Kind One to Another) – This discussion-based fellowship studies “Judges & Ruth: Failing People, Faithful God.” DISCOVER – This Continue Reading »