We will welcome two missionary families as special guests for our Spring Missions Emphasis this Sunday morning. The Howders, going to Asia, will present their ministry in the 9:00 combined ABF/teen class which will meet in the auditorium. The Davises, going to Ireland, will share their ministry in the 10:30 worship service. A love offering Continue Reading »
Women are studying Genesis 1-11. Only a Bible is needed as we examine God’s greatness seen through creation, man’s sin and need for redemption, and God’s promise of victory over the enemy.
Men are studying the character and attributes of God: Knowing God Better, Making Him Known. We are called to know God and imitate Christ, so we will take a good look at Who He really is and what that means for men. Each week, a different attribute will be featured through large group instruction and small group interaction.
AWANA is a weekly club for kids packed with Bible learning and awesome games! Children four years old through sixth grade can attend. AWANA is on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8:00 pm. Please check in with the AWANA secretaries in the Shawnee Hills foyer.
Mothers and children of all ages are invited to join others in a time of instruction, encouragement, and fellowship. Sandy Shortt will share a teaching devotional for the last time this school year. Free childcare is available. Please contact Michelle McCune at with any questions.
Ladies and girls of all ages are invited to this lovely event focusing on Showers of Blessings. There is no charge, but sign-up is requested. Call 937.675.4121 or email to register or to get more information.
Since Jesus walked this earth as “the Word made flesh,” there has been debate as to whether he was the God-man, or just a man, or just a spirit in human form (i.e. a phantom-like being). Any doubt as to the humanity of Jesus Christ was dispelled when from Calvary’s cross He said, “I thirst.” Continue Reading »
The third summer of Drive-Thru Prayer will begin in June. An information and training meeting led by our director of outreach, Russel Slate, will be held on Sunday, April 7, at 5:15pm in classroom A-4. If you have served in this ministry the past two years, or would like to know more about it, please Continue Reading »
Women are studying Genesis 1-11. Only a Bible is needed as we examine God’s greatness seen through creation, man’s sin and need for redemption, and God’s promise of victory over the enemy.
Men are studying the character and attributes of God: Knowing God Better, Making Him Known. We are called to know God and imitate Christ, so we will take a good look at Who He really is and what that means for men. Each week, a different attribute will be featured through large group instruction and small group interaction.
AWANA is a weekly club for kids packed with Bible learning and awesome games! Children four years old through sixth grade can attend. AWANA is on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8:00 pm. Please check in with the AWANA secretaries in the Shawnee Hills foyer.
Men of all ages are invited to meet at the church building for a hearty breakfast, time of prayer, and service to the church family through a morning workday. We have projects that need the help of all skill levels, and we will meet rain or shine.
The sermon series, The Most Important Last Words Ever Spoken, will conclude this Sunday with, The Word of Commitment from Luke 23:46. Jesus’ first “word” from the cross was an appeal to the Father as was His last. From His first to His last “word,” Jesus was in communion with the Father as he died. Continue Reading »
Women are studying Genesis 1-11. Only a Bible is needed as we examine God’s greatness seen through creation, man’s sin and need for redemption, and God’s promise of victory over the enemy.
Men are studying the character and attributes of God: Knowing God Better, Making Him Known. We are called to know God and imitate Christ, so we will take a good look at Who He really is and what that means for men. Each week, a different attribute will be featured through large group instruction and small group interaction.
AWANA is a weekly club for kids packed with Bible learning and awesome games! Children four years old through sixth grade can attend. AWANA is on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8:00 pm. Please check in with the AWANA secretaries in the Shawnee Hills foyer.
This service will feature a Christ in the Tabernacle presentation by David Hamilton who, dressed as the high priest, will use the various furniture items of the tabernacle to teach how they show Christ. This will be followed by the observance of the Lord’s Table as we remember the death of Jesus Christ two days Continue Reading »
Volunteers fill bags of food at Greeneview Elementary School. All food is provided through a grant and will be distributed on Friday to students who are in need of it for the weekend. Children are welcome, so this is an opportunity for a whole family or any individuals to assist in this community ministry. There Continue Reading »
Men, prepare for a couple days where the air is clear, the Scriptures are taught, the steaks are medium rare, and the men around you are seeking God’s own heart. Consider investing $85 and a Friday evening and Saturday to participate in the Renovate Men’s Retreat at Scioto Hills Christian Camp.
The songs in this cantata tell the story of an unfailing, loyal and sacrificial love, evidenced by the offering up of a pure and spotless Lamb. Unlike previous substitutionary sacrifices, this Lamb conquered death; this Lamb offers life; this Lamb will one day lead us home. Please join us to hear the Gospel presented through Continue Reading »
AWANA is a weekly club for kids packed with Bible learning and awesome games! Children four years old through sixth grade can attend. AWANA is on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8:00 pm. Please check in with the AWANA secretaries in the Shawnee Hills foyer.