As Paul closes his letter to Philemon, he knows his beloved fellow worker will respond to a difficult conflict in a way that exceeds his expectations. That's because Philemon was a person of excellence. He excelled in obeying the Lord and loving his fellow believers. How did he achieve such excellence? Was he unique or Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
AWANA is a weekly club for kids packed with Bible learning and awesome games! Children four years old through sixth grade can attend. AWANA is on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8:00 pm. Please check in with the AWANA secretaries in the Shawnee Hills foyer.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Beginning June 2, the Adult Bible Fellowship classes and the teen class will meet together in the fellowship hall at 9:00 for a summer series of lessons entitled, Life-on-Life. Each week we will consider the condition of the human heart, not physically but spiritually, and learn how it needs to change and can change by Continue Reading »
The Pilgrim’s Playlist, a new summer sermon series on selected psalms, begins this Sunday featuring Psalm 1. The Psalms is the Old Testament hymnbook with each psalm written to be sung. Do you have a favorite psalm? If so, is it part of your songlist? Pastor Dave’s message entitled, “The Blessed Heart,” introduces the series Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever looked at a flavor of ice cream at Young’s Dairy and thought to yourself, “That looks delicious!” How did you know for sure if it were? You tasted it, right? The only real way to know if a flavor of ice cream is good, or not, is to taste it for yourself. Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever found yourself in one of life’s “pits?” You know, a deep, dark place with no apparent escape? An unpleasant and/or uncomfortable situation that seemed hopeless and potentially destructive, like a financial “pit,” or health “pit,” or marriage crisis “pit?” This Sunday we will continue The Pilgrim’s Playlist of selected psalms by looking Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Mothers and children are invited to the home of Staci Pickens (56 Nelson St., Jamestown) at 10am. Bring sunscreen and a water bottle for the kids. Weather permitting, we will be outside. If you have never had a chance to join us, we would love to have you. Let's build community and encourage one another. Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Biblical fellowship is not “two fellows in a ship” (yes, that’s pretty corny), but life lived in concert with God and one another according to the Word of God under the direction of the Spirit of God. Thus far on Sunday mornings in the combined ABF/teen class at 9:00, we have learned what God says Continue Reading »
Route 72 between Jamestown and Cedarville has several sharp curves marked by chevron road signs, and deep ditches on both sides of it. “Life’s Road” is like that, lots of sharp curves and deep ditches. The two ditches along “life’s road” are “bitterness and envy” and we must heed the road signs (God’s Word) and negotiate Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Can you imagine using a violin to brush your teeth or drive a nail? That would be crazy! Violins were made to resound with beautiful music. They can work wonders when in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. Often, we mistreat the Bible, not understanding what it is for or how Continue Reading »
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.
Caring people are available to pray for specific needs of folks in the community. Come as you are; stay in your car as others pray for you and show the love of Jesus Christ.