Haggai – Current Sermon Series

There’s always more to do. These “to do’s” can easily distract us from focusing on the priorities God has for our lives. The little book of Haggai shows us the effects of such distraction, and it also helps us reestablish God’s priorities in our lives.

Walk with the Spirit

The book of Galatians ends with a list of virtues that constitute the fruit of the Spirit. Throughout this series we will explore each of the attributes that God produces in the life of the believers through the power of the Holy Spirit.


The book of Ephesians contains essential instruction in the truths of God’s redemptive work in Christ, the unity of the church among diverse peoples, and proper conduct in the church, the home, and the world. Learn about the riches that have been made available to us in Christ Jesus!


Missions Emphasis 2024

Join us as we explore our role in participating in God’s mission to save a lost world, both locally and abroad.


Holy is His Name

This Christmas season, join us as we consider the various titles and names given to Jesus, the Savior of the World. Reflect on the significance of each name and what it reveals about His character and mission


Almost Home

It does not take long to live in this world and realize that something about it feels unfamiliar, like we were made for another place. Join us as we study Romans 8 and consider how the Lord directs us homeward and safely leads us when we place our trust in Him.